YASTREB - early EVA space walk suit the "emergency food" These are 100% "FLOWN" items,- very dangerous for cosmonauts flown by Serebrov overalls from TZK garment flown Serebrov's "Penguin" suit EVA Orlan gloves EVA coolant suit for wearing under Orlan EVA suit
Single Orlan EVA glove, stensilled by couple space stamps Trout (Forel) suit from survival aboard kit Sokol suit communication headset Russian Space Shuttle termoprotection tile Lasartev's jump suit, flown on his unsuccessful mission on Soyuz T 18-1 One more EVA Orlan gloves, designed for some special mission Sokol KV-2 complete suit, flown by Yu. Onufrienko on Soyuz TM-23
Vorkuta suit,- prototype of first EVA Berkut suit Original clock from Soyuz craft pants flown by L.Popov and another Trout/Forel suit, flown by 1st Japan guy,- T. Akiyama Space craft lamp "Kazbek-U Shock Absorbing Seat" and Couch cushion flown by Gennadi Strekalov Devices, removed from Soyuz main pa

COOL SPACE "hardware" ITEMS:

Take a look at the few cool space collectible items.............

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